Get Your Workforce Innovation-Ready

Simple and effective online training that gets your workforce innovation-ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

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Get Your Workforce Innovation-Ready

Simple and effective online training that gets your workforce innovation-ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

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What's the #1 Job Skill?

Innovation is the #1 job skill necessary for 2025, according to the World Economic Forum's latest Future of Jobs report.

"The window of opportunity to reskill and upskill workers has become shorter"

The Future of Jobs Report, World Economic Forum

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Growth-focused leaders are using blue ocean strategy to jump-start innovative thinking in their companies

Here's how you can do it too

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Enroll your leadership team and high-potential employees in Blue Ocean Sprint:

  • Develop a shared language for innovation.
  • Give your employees a systematic process and the tools to innovate.
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Jump-start a culture of innovation by organizing a Blue Ocean Day

  • Set up a dedicated learning day for your employees to spend a few hours learning how to systematically maximize innovation opportunities while minimizing risks.
  • Provide engaging activities that uncover new problems and find innovative ways to solve existing ones.
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Incentivize teams to create and pitch innovative business offerings via annual Blue Ocean Challenges

  • Set up cross-functional teams to break down organizational silos and create solutions that the world has not seen before.
  • Set up a recognition and award system for the most value-innovative solution.
  • Create a repository of innovative blue ocean ideas to share across the organization.
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Enroll your leadership team and high-potential employees in Blue Ocean Sprint:

  • Develop a shared language for innovation.
  • Give your employees a systematic process and the tools to innovate.
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Jump-start a culture of innovation by organizing a Blue Ocean Day.

  • Set up a dedicated learning day for your employees to spend a few hours learning how to systematically maximize innovation opportunities while minimizing risks.
  • Provide engaging activities that uncover new problems and find innovative ways to solve existing ones.
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Incentivize teams to create and pitch innovative business offerings via annual Blue Ocean Challenges

  • Set up cross-functional teams to break down organizational silos and create solutions that the world has not seen before.
  • Set up a recognition and award system for the most value-innovative solution.
  • Create a repository of innovative blue ocean ideas to share across the organization.

Innovation Starts in Your Department

Successful innovation calls for people trained to think differently. It’s a skill that can be learned.

These companies are getting their workforce innovation-ready.

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If the strategic objectives of your organization are to create new sources of growth, lower costs, instill a culture of innovation, create team alignment around the strategic goals, and leave the competition behind, then Blue Ocean Sprint fits your needs.

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Get Started

Innovation Training That Sets Your Company Apart

Make learning foundational to growth

Introducing Blue Ocean Sprint with Al Navigator

Blue Ocean Sprint is an engaging, interactive online course that makes learning fun. The easiest and fastest way to jump-start innovation efforts in your organization.

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Key Benefits of Blue Ocean Training for Your Organization

Learning your team can apply immediately

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A shift in perspective.

Adopting a blue ocean perspective will shift your team to focus on where the opportunity resides, instead of limiting it to benchmarking and beating the competition. Organizations that adopt a blue ocean perspective think differently and ask different questions that enable them to see and understand opportunities and risk in fresh and innovative ways.

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A proven process for innovation.

Take the risk out of innovation initiatives by following a proven methodology for new market creation. Blue ocean strategy tools and frameworks are used by countless organizations around the world to create high value at low cost.

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A boost in employee engagement and retention.

A motivated and engaged workforce that has the tools and confidence to innovate. Offer your employees cutting-edge training that would move them up on their career trajectories.

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Improved team alignment and performance.

Introduce a common language system for innovation that puts everyone on the same page. Create a shared understanding about where your company stands and get a common baseline and clarity for the need for change. Stimulate innovative thinking and improve your team performance and collaboration at scale.

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Future challenge-ready workforce.

Build the people and organization capability to deliver the company strategy. Get an upskilled workforce that is ready to tackle the business challenges of tomorrow.

Key Benefits of Blue Ocean Training for Your Organization

Learning your team can apply immediately

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A shift in perspective.

Adopting a blue ocean perspective will shift your team to focus on where the opportunity resides, instead of limiting it to benchmarking and beating the competition. Organizations that adopt a blue ocean perspective think differently and ask different questions that enable them to see and understand opportunities and risk in fresh and innovative ways.

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A proven process for innovation.

Take the risk out of innovation initiatives by following a proven methodology for new market creation. Blue ocean strategy tools and frameworks are used by countless organizations around the world to create high value at low cost.

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A boost in employee engagement and retention.

A motivated and engaged workforce that has the tools and confidence to innovate. Offer your employees cutting-edge training that would move them up on their career trajectories.

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Improved team alignment and performance.

Introduce a common language system for innovation that puts everyone on the same page. Create a shared understanding about where your company stands and get a common baseline and clarity for the need for change. Stimulate innovative thinking and improve your team performance and collaboration at scale.

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Future challenge-ready workforce.

Build the people and organization capability to deliver the company strategy. Get an upskilled workforce that is ready to tackle the business challenges of tomorrow.

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100 Years of Harvard Business Review

The most definitive management ideas of the century

In 2023, Blue Ocean Strategy was chosen as one of the three most important theories in the 100 years of Harvard Business Review’s publication.

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Empower Your Employees to Innovate

Get your team started on the Blue Ocean Online Course, and you’ll be choosing:

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Expertly produced world-class content.

Offer your team first-class high-impact education from world-renowned strategy professors and bestselling authors, Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne.

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Practical training applicable to any industry or sector.

Your team will be able to apply new learning in their positions immediately.

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Engaging, interactive experience with 24/7 access.

Make learning fun with bite-size content without the overwhelm. Your busy managers and executives can learn at their own pace from anywhere at any time.

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A certificated course that boosts employee credentials.

Help your employees grow with the company. Investing in the current workforce has a much lower cost than hiring a new employee.

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Consistent delivery and scalable training.

Provide standardized training to as many employees as you need with a one-time investment.

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Empower Your Employees to Innovate

Get your team started on the Blue Ocean Online Course, and you’ll be choosing:

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Expertly produced world-class content.

Offer your team first-class high-impact education from world-renowned strategy professors and bestselling authors, Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne.

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Practical training applicable to any industry or sector.

Your team will be able to apply new learning in their positions immediately.

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Engaging, interactive experience with 24/7 access.

Make learning fun with bite-size content without the overwhelm. Your busy managers and executives can learn at their own pace from anywhere at any time.

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A certificated course that boosts employee credentials.

Help your employees grow with the company. Investing in the current workforce has a much lower cost than hiring a new employee.

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Consistent delivery and scalable training.

Provide standardized training to as many employees as you need with a one-time investment.

Train your team in strategic and innovative thinking to future-proof your organization.

“By 2025, 44% of the skills that employees will need to perform their roles effectively will change”.

The Future of Jobs ReportWorld Economic Forum


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25K+ alumni

Serving thousands through Blue Ocean online training programs in more than 100 countries around the world.

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Nearly 5 million readers of the classic books

Discover why nearly 5 million readers have turned to blue ocean thinking already.

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Taught in nearly 3,000 universities globally

Blue ocean strategy is taught in top business schools and nearly 3,000 universities around the world.

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Meet the Thought Leaders

Chan Kim and Renée Maubougne

Professors of Strategy at INSEAD, a top business school in the world.

Named #1 Management Thinkers in the World by Thinkers50.

Authors of global bestsellers Blue Ocean Strategy, Blue Ocean Shift and Beyond Disruption.

Selected as two of the four leading thinkers in the 100 years of Harvard Business Review’s publication.

The Books That Changed the Way We Think About Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Shift

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Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne have been researching what it takes to break out of the red ocean of competition and generate strong profitable growth for over 30 years.

They uncovered a systematic process of achieving growth that works whether you are a cash-strapped startup, non-profit, small business, or a large, established company.

  • The books have collectively sold over nearly 5 million copies worldwide
  • Blue Ocean Strategy is recognized as one of the most iconic and impactful strategy books ever written
  • Blue Ocean Shift is New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller
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Get Started

Make your workforce innovation-ready with blue ocean strategy

Complete this short form to get more details about Blue Ocean Innovation Training.

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"As a leadership team, we read the books Blue Ocean Shift and Blue Ocean Strategy. It became immediately clear that we wanted to leverage this knowledge to get us out of the "red ocean" in some areas of our business and to continue to stay in the "blue ocean" in others. We decided to invest in running each of our business development sectors through the online course and then in developing our strategy. The course has been instrumental in providing us with a structured roadmap to get and maintain traction. We are thankful for the tools the Blue Ocean team has provided and our organization has every intention of continuing to use them!"

- Shara Wokal, Chief Financial Officer, LSW Architects

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Frequently Asked Questions