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Blue Ocean Studio™ User Guide

How to Create an As-Is Strategy Canvas in Blue Ocean Studio™

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About the As-Is Strategy Canvas

Capture in one simple picture the current strategic landscape

The As-Is Strategy Canvas is a powerful visual tool that depicts the way a business configures its offering to buyers in relation to those of its competitors.

It crisply communicates the four key elements of strategy: the factors of competition, the offering level buyers receive across these factors, and your own and your competitors' strategic profiles and cost structures.

It allows you to visualize where and what you and your competitors are currently competing on and investing in.

Drawing the As-Is Strategy Canvas of the industry is also critical if you are an entrepreneur intent on creating a new business, or a new nonprofit because it highlights in one simple picture what you will be up against in strategic terms.

It is also a potent visual to use in discussions with potential investors or funders

Additional Learning Resources

Visualize Your Strategy and Stand Apart: The Case of Comic Relief

The strategy canvas allows you to see on one page how your business offering compares to those of your competitors

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Medellin: From Murder Capital of the World to the Most Innovative City in The World

Medellin, the 'most innovative city in the world' was once the murder capital of the world.

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Think Different: Apple’s Blue Ocean Formula for Success

The strategic thinking behind the world’s most innovative company

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Blue Ocean Shift and Blue Ocean Strategy: Your essential companion to Blue Ocean Studio™

Blue Ocean Studio™ is powered by the tools and frameworks introduced in the two bestselling books by INSEAD Professors of Strategy and #1 Management Thinkers in the World, Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. Follow a guided process in Blue Ocean Studio, apply the tools and frameworks to your organization and make your competition irrelevant.

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